Burrito Fundrasier Flier menu update.jpg

Effectively, this purchase is a donation to the 501(c)(3) Fearless Rock Ministries for the purpose of our Kenya Mission Trip in 2020.

This is simply a fun & delicious way we can say thank you for your donation.

Orders will be fulfilled on October 27th
@ Shiloh Fellowship
44927 W Hathaway Ave, Maricopa, AZ 85139
b/t 12:15-1:30 PM (after 10:30 service commences)

The donate link below will prompt you to enter the following information:

Your contribution - You’ll enter your donation amount here (Burrito Fundraiser prices are suggested donation amounts)

Your payment information - Enter your chosen payment method.

Add a Note - Type out your *ORDER* here. Please specify how many of each item is desired! Also if the pick up is a problem note it here, & we will work something out.

Review & Donate - Review your donation & complete the transaction by clicking “Donate Now”!

* After a successful transaction, you will be directed to our thank you page !

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Thank you

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